Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes

Category: Books,New, Used & Rental Textbooks,Humanities

Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes Details

Review "I've used the Miller book in this course now for many years. I've done so because it is a skillful representation of where the field has been and where it is at. Kathy does an amazing job weaving in representative classic research from the field along with contemporary sources and new developments. Second, I think the book is highly readable. Kathy is an excellent writer and is able to convey complex theoretical ideas and research in language accessible to our undergraduate students.""I like several things about the book. First, it provides a pretty balanced approach between theory and practical issues. Each chapter typically includes theoretical/scholarly approaches to Org Comm, and also includes practical information, as examples or case studies. Second, the book is written in a very concise manner. Each chapter of the Miller book can be broken up into relatively short, but information heavy reading segments. So our busy students don't have to read extra-long chapters to get much foundational information. Finally, the book effectively covers most of the critical Org Comm issues, both foundational issues and more contemporary issues." Read more About the Author Dr. Katherine Miller is a leading scholar on communication in healthcare organizations. She holds bachelors and masters degrees in communication from Michigan State University, and a doctorate from the Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Southern California. She served on the faculties of the University of Kansas, Arizona State University, and Michigan State University, and has been a professor in Texas A&M University's Department of Communication since 1998. Dr. Miller is the author of three books and more than 50 journal articles and book chapters.Dr. Joshua B. Barbour studies problems that recur in the conduct of knowledge-intensive work such as managing information, making meaning, designing communication processes, and deciding what counts as legitimate organizational knowledge and what does not. Most of his research concerns the macromorphic character of organizational communication, the constraining and enabling influences of institutions and institutional logics in organizational life. He holds a bachelor's degree from the George Washington University and a master's degree and doctorate from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is currently an assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin and has also served on the faculties of the University of Illinois at Chicago and Texas A&M University. Dr. Barbour is the author of twenty-five articles and book chapters. Read more


This is a textbook. I mean, there isn't much to be said about it, as it isn't really good or bad, just serves its purpose for my class. However, I'm taking stars away because I received the book with a bunch of what looks like envelope labels in it, and I suppose that someone tried to remove them and completely ripped part of a whole paragraph out of the book. Aside from that, the book is actually in great condition. However...Of the four books I've recently rented, three of them have had issues from torn pages to backing falling apart to being heavily written in and highlighted (my book for my upcoming course has full pages highlighted). I understand that these books are used, but I think Amazon can do a better job of vetting the quality of the books before sending them to other students.

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